Freelander - Fitting Driving Lamps continued.

Fitting Driving Lamps (STC53082) continued.

Note: These pictures are intended as a guide, this is a complicated install and should only be performed if you feel competent enough.

Attach earth to bodywork as shown.
Feed cables to the front of the vehicle as shown.
Feed shorter through top  and longer through lower as shown.
Feed long wire as shown.
Clip long wire to base of radiator with 3 clips as shown.
Reconnect connector.
Secure fusebox with three nuts.
And two bolts.
Replace fusebox cover.
Use four tie wraps to secure the cable.
Bring bumper to vehicle and feed wires through grill as shown.
Refit front bumper making sure it fits correctly under headlamps.
And corners fit correctly to front wings.
Secure top of bumper with four screws.
Use three screws in top of lower grill.
Use two screws to secure under lower grill.
Use fours screws to secure bottom of bumper at both sides.
Use two screws each side to secure bumper to front wing.
Reattach bolts on both sides as shown.
Replace cover panel on both sides.
Reattach A frame (if fitted). If clips then see fitting instructions for STC7907AA.
Attach Lights to A frame or clips and tighten.
Connect cables.
Fit supplied fuse into fusebox as shown.
Attach the positive cable to the battery.
Attach the earth cable to the battery.
Check operation and alignment of lights, also note that stereo and clock may need resetting due to disconnection of the battery.

Correct operation should be that the new driving lights illuminate when headlamps are switched to full beam, proving that the new switch above the fusebox is depressed.

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