Freelander - Who buys a Freelander?
Who buys a Freelander ??
A few facts - from Land Rover.
- Over 80% of all owners of 4WD models of all makes have no previous experience of 4WD. They move over from 2WD vehicles and become very loyal to the new brand.
- In line with industry standards, 80% of Freelander owners are new to the Land Rover brand.
- 70% of Freelander drivers replaced cars of a different make.
- Just 16% of Freelander drivers replaced a Land Rover.
- 13% bought their vehicle as an additional household vehicle.
- Main hobbies and interests are Sports (leisure), Active involvement in Sports, domestic activities and Culture.
- The average age of a Freelander driver is 42.5 years.
- Of Freelander's customers, 28.8% are women - a significant proportion.
- The average number of people in a Freelander household is 3.
- The average number of cars in a Freelander household is 2 - and both cars are likely to be in active use.
- 37% of buyers are employed Professionals, 21% are employees, 18% hold Managerial positions and 10% are retired.
Reasons for Purchase
- Looks different and is more distinctive - 56% of Freelander drivers buy because of the vehicles shape and styling.
- Looks as if it can cope safely with all conditions - 25% of Freelander drivers buy because of its roadholding capabilities, and 28% are impressed by its gears.
- Has a rugged imaged - 46% of Freelander drivers buy because of its image or have loyalty to the Land Rover brand.
- Seems roomy and comfortable - 21% of Freelander drivers mention the interior space and load carrying capability as important purchasing factors.
Why do they want these attributes
- They buy these cars because they look the part.
- They like the command driving position.
- They like the attributes of all-round safety, ability and a sense of adventure.